Mautic Know-How
Mautic Know-How
Mautic Tutorials for Beginners & Tips for Specialists

Security Tip: Redirect Mautic Homepage to external URL

People love to poke around. For instance, see the URL of a Mautic asset and try to access the root page of that domain. What do they see? The Mautic login screen. Not good!

Best practice is to redirect that access to some other URL, e.g. your main website. Here is how you do that, properly.

1. Create an empty Landing Page in Mautic.

...and name it "Redirect".

(In fact, we even tend to name it "Redirect LP (do not delete, do not enable)" - just to make sure.)

2. Set this page to "unpublished".

Yes, really! Or else the following won't work.

3. In the Landing Page properties, set a 302 Redirect to the desired external URL.

Setting the Redirect Target for a Mautic Manding Page

4. In System Configuration, set "Mautic's root URL" to the Landing Page that you just created.
Select Mautic Root Page

That's all :)

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